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Home / Claim sheet

Claim sheet

The electronic commerce and the users of these shops have the same rights, obligations and guarantees as the purchases made in a traditional establishment.

Therefore, the consumer has always been able to claim online purchases, through the mechanisms provided on the Web by the company and through customer service.

The laws regulate the guarantees of the products and / or services on-line, the right of withdrawal or responsibility of the seller towards any claim of the consumer.

E-commerce has to inform the consumer through the Internet of various points: characteristics of the good or services, delivery costs, transportation, term of the offer, duration of the contract, conditions, payment method, system of resolution of extrajudicial conflicts, means of remote consumer communication, customer service, and so on.

In the case of the provision of services or sales of goods over the Internet, access to the claim sheets will be via telematics through the company's website. Once the claim sheet is filled in, the consumer can print it and send it to the consumer office closest to his home for processing.

Find all the information on the web:

There is an online dispute resolution platform. You can find more information in article 14 section 1 of the ODR-VO - downloadable in PDF format at the following link: Web of the platform

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