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Home / About Masario

About Masario

Masario is a millinery and fashion supplier.

Let’s start with the name, it is the founder’s colloquial name abbreviation.

Masario has always been in love with hats. She started wearing hats, later learned how to do them which made her do a deep research on natural fibers where she tried to unite all top quality materials with fashion, design and good taste.

Having studied in the university of chemical sciences has helped her to deepen in natural dyes and produce unique colours which make our brand inimitable.

She set up an online company with the best millinery products and a warehouse later with direct sales in Madrid.

Why an online store?
It Is the easiest way to get anywhere in Spain and worldwide.

Why a physical store?
Many of you prefer to see, touch and even to try on our hats.

We currently have more than 4000 products in our online store with a day to day new incorporations and only thanks to your trust continuing shopping with us.

In our warehouse in San Sebastian de los reyes, with more than 500m2 you will find...

Travelling around the world has allowed her to find unique feathers, flowers and all kind of avant-garde headgear materials.

We are currently leaders with hats and fascinators made of braided straw. This hats are manufactured in Spain following a handmade process of dyeing, sewing and ironing.

We will continue to work with effort and dedication to be able to offer the best millinery supplies so you could make your dream hat become true.


  1. Do we ship to Spain or Worldwide? What are the shipping costs ?  How long will it take for the order to arrive? We ship worldwide, if you follow this link you will be able to check conditions, costs and transit times.
  2. Which method of payment we accept?
    • Paypal
    • Credit Card / Debit Card
    • Bank Transfer
    • Payment upon delivery ( Only in Spain, Peninsula )
    • Cash. Only in physical store in Madrid
  3. Do we accept refunds? Yes, We accept refunds in our website. You have 15 days dead line after product delivery. Please note that we do not accept refunds with products that had to be cut such as ribbon. Please follow this link for refunds. Please follow this link for refunds.
  4. How do I sign in ? I am already registered and I can not go onto the website. Click in client access if you are already registered, you will access with your email and password. If not you will have to register. For registering you will have to provide a few things such as email and password, this will help you to access our shop online.
  5. I forgot my password. what to do ? Introduce your email and click on “forgotten your password” You will immediately receive an email with new access.
  6. Do we have special price for milliners? Yes, if you are a professional milliner. please follow this link where you will find our discounts.
  7. Does Masario sell already finished hats and fascinators? You will only find in our website finished hats and fascinators that were used for shootings or fashion designers.
  8. Which hats need additional attachment? All our hats with low cup will need a head band,rubber or small comb.
  9. How do you attach accessories or headband to the hat? You can sew or glue it.
  10. Can I see a picture to see how it looks an specific product ? We have a photo gallery with clients, bloggers and influencers through this link. You can also visit our social media, Facebook and

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